EBook marketing is no longer a new thing. People have done it successfully. Now you can find experts who have already made all the mistakes to learn from them instead of trying to reinvent the wheel on your own. Part of what makes the human experience so unique in the animal world is our ability to keep and use collective knowledge. Follow these tips from eight successful eBook marketers.
1. Kristen Eckstein Â? Known as “The Ultimate Book Coach,” Kristen Eckstein recommends that new eBook authors just get started. She doesn’t buy the idea that you don’t have time to write an eBook. Most successful business owners have an eBook within them; they just need to get it out. She gives advice through her eBook coaching on how to get that book done, marketed and sold in record time.
Link – http://www.amazon.com/Kristen-Eckstein/e/B004EMVQ9O/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1408837019&sr=8-1
2. Ali Luke Â? A successful publisher of eBooks since 2008 writing Publishing E-Books for Dummies, and blogger on thewritelife.com, Ali has helped a lot of writers get their eBooks finished and published. She advocates sticking to a strict schedule for research, blog writing, and marketing to help you finish your eBook in record time and move on to the next one.
Ali believes your audience will tell you what to write if you ask them. Additionally, she says to be extra sure of your facts and stats before publishing, so hiring a fact checker for some types of work may be a key to success.
Link – http://www.amazon.com/Ali-Luke/e/B006RIWB5G/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1408836946&sr=8-1
3. Amanda Hocking Â? You’ve likely heard of her, the girl who earned a million dollars from her 99 cent books after being turned down by publishers? If not, Google her. Her story is a testament to what eBook publishing is capable of producing. The thing she most recommends is investing in an editor and eBook cover designer.
Link – http://www.amazon.com/Amanda-Hocking/e/B003H4L762/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1408836910&sr=8-1
4. Joanna Penn Â? From “The Creative Penn” and bestselling author of “How to Market a Book,” Joanne says that today all books should be marketed as eBooks over print books unless you have a compelling reason to offer your book in print such as cookbooks and picture-intensive books. Offering in both print and eBook makes you look more professional too, and can promote more sales.
Link – http://www.amazon.com/Joanna-Penn/e/B002BM8ICW/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2?qid=1408836871&sr=8-2
5. Michael Hyatt – Author of “Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World” and blogger on his self-named blog, Michael Hyatt recommends that all new would-be authors educate themselves on the publishing world before getting started. Understand about marketing and know that regardless of whether you self-publish or find a publisher, you will be responsible for marketing. Therefore, if you choose the self-publishing route, don’t let that idea stop you.
Link – http://www.michaelhyatt.com/
6. Paul Jarvis Â? Author of several books on Amazon and through PDF on his website, Paul Jarvis advocates ensuring that you include a page inside your book that links to your website and email sign-up. The reason is that when selling on Amazon only, you don’t get the benefit of being able to market to your readers again unless they choose to reach out and connect to you. Make it easy for them to do so.
Link – http://www.amazon.com/Paul-Jarvis/e/B00BBF6EUI/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1408836790&sr=8-1
7. Dana Lynn Smith Â? The “Savvy Book Marketer” recommends using targeted subtitles as a way to better focus the title of your book toward the right audience. The subtitle can help clarify the benefits to the reader for reading the book. This works especially well with non-fiction titles and how-to books.
Link – http://www.amazon.com/Dana-Lynn-Smith/e/B0055VODES/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1408837213&sr=8-1
8. Catherine Ryan Howard – Author of various books, both eBooks and traditional print books, Catherine enjoys testing out her theories of marketing books. In one blog post that she writes, she advices you to remember that your book is a product and it’s important to remember that when presenting it to your audience. Your book needs to present a professional appearance to the world, and it needs to appeal to your audience.
Link – http://www.amazon.com/Catherine-Ryan-Howard/e/B003DPKMFW/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
Link to blog post – http://catherineryanhoward.com/2012/05/05/how-to-sell-self-published-books-read-this-first/
All eight successful authors and book marketers also highly recommend having the cover art professionally designed. The cover art is what’s going to get your book sold to a new audience; the content of your book will create fans that become promoters and repeat buyers for subsequent books.