Social media platforms can help you cost-effectively reach more of your ideal customers and prospects around the world.
Facebook has 1.6 billion users who actively participate in discussions and engage with content from publishers and advertisers, while more than a billion users worldwide are regularly watching tutorials, guides and live broadcasts in YouTube.
With this video repository?s more than 4 billion views each day, you?re bound to send your message across your target audience, as long as you do it right.
YouTube Live is Google?s answer to Facebook Live. With more users expecting video content from YouTube than any other place on the Internet, YouTube Live is pretty hard to ignore when it comes to promoting your business on the Web.
Arguably, YouTube?s pre-recorded video streams and live video feeds are also more optimized in terms of content delivery than Facebook. Videos in YouTube load much faster than any other online video repository!
So now, what you need to do is make sure that your YouTube Live video streams can reach and captivate your target audience. You must ensure that your live video feeds can keep them interested enough to actively engage with your content. Your ideal customers and prospects should feel the need to participate in relevant discussions about topics that are covered by your YouTube Live streams. So, here are some tips to do this right:
Tips to Create Effective YouTube Live Broadcasts for Your Online Marketing Campaigns
* Identify Your Target Viewers & Ideal Customers
– This is a crucial step for you to be able to deliver the right messages to the right audiences at the right time. Knowing the right viewer group will greatly contribute to the success of your online marketing campaign. By knowing who you want to make the videos for, you will be able to think about concepts that will suit the taste of your intended viewers. Remember, no matter how good your material is, if it falls on the wrong ears (or eyes in this case), then it is close to being worth nothing!
* Choose the Right Social Media Platform to Promote Your Live Video Streams
– Another thing that will contribute to the success of your YouTube Live video marketing campaign is the social media platform that you?ll use to promote your live video streams. Since you already know who your target viewers are, then you should study what other social media platforms they?re regularly using. For instance, if your ideal viewers are serious professionals, then you should probably promote your live broadcasts in LinkedIn where you can find millions of your target customers and prospects.
* Create the Right Content for Your Ideal Viewers
– Basically, for your YouTube Live video stream to be effective, it needs to answer the most pressing questions about relevant topics of your target viewers before they even ask. You also need to introduce your content, products and services in some of the most creative ways possible so your viewers can find your streams hard to forget. Describe in simple to understand ways what your business and content is all about and how your products and services can benefit your ideal customers and prospects.
* Take Advantage of the Fan Fund Card
– Marketing campaigns are normally considered expenses, but with YouTube Live Broadcasts, you can actually get back the money you invested in making the material. YouTube allows video hosts to avail of the Fan Fund Card where you can earn money with the help of your viewers. This usually happens when your viewers subscribe to your YouTube Channel.
* Closely Monitor Your YouTube Live Broadcasts
– It?s very important to keep track of the progress and performance of your live video streams. This way, you can measure the effectiveness of your campaign. If there’s a lot of positive feedback from viewers, then it?s a good indication that your campaign is on the right track.
* Spend Wisely
– Don?t blow a fortune when promoting your YouTube Live streams. With the help of other social media platforms, you can cost-effectively advertise your live video broadcasts to your target audience.
How to Start Your YouTube Live Broadcast
The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a verified YouTube channel. You should also check if you have any restrictions and limitations. Once you do this and confirm that you have the correct rights and privileges in your YouTube channel, then you can move on to the next step.
The second thing you need to do is to download an encoder. You can find a lot of available encoding tools on the Web. Most of these programs can be downloaded for free or at reasonable prices. Although not really mandatory, you?re recommended to use encoding tools that are verified by YouTube. This way, you can be sure that you?ll have a smooth broadcast in YouTube Live.
After downloading and setting up your encoder, the next thing you must do is fill out some basic information for your live video streams. This information will help your intended viewers to easily find your videos. Since there are millions of videos uploaded on YouTube, it won?t be hard for your target audience to see other videos. Make sure that you provide the appropriate information that will guide your viewers to your live broadcasts.
Next, you have to configure the Privacy Setting of your Live Stream. You can choose from three options. If you want everybody to see your broadcast, then you should set the Privacy Setting to PUBLIC. This means anyone who is allowed to visit YouTube can see your video.
If you have specific target viewers, then you can choose the UNLISTED option or the PRIVATE option. This means only viewers who know the links to your live streams will be able to watch your feeds. You can promote the links to your YouTube Live streams across your target audience in the right social networks, websites, blogs, Web forums and other social communities on and off the Web.
At this point, you?re now ready to begin your show! Don?t forget to answer questions from your viewers. This will help your campaign become a success. Building rapport with your ideal customers and prospects can significantly improve your conversions.

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