People from third-world or developing countries who want to get

updated or advanced education from industrialized nations are

having a hard time, mostly because of immigration or visa

requirements. This is much is true in countries like Japan, the

United States and the United Kingdom, whose immigration

qualifications are very stringent. In some countries, the United

States requires that a certain amount be placed in trust as a

bond to ensure that visitors do return to their countries of


Educators in these developed countries recognize the desire of

foreign students to avail themselves of superior standards in

education. This is where the internet becomes a central tool in

global, quality education.

If you go online today, you will find plenty of colleges,

universities and even Ivy League institutions offering online

education ranging from certification, degree, post graduate and

doctorate level courses. These online schools and universities

are certainly convenient for those who cannot enter developed

countries due to lack of qualifications for visa approval


In the domestic front, these online schools become an

alternative to the physically handicapped or mentally ill. For

people with motor dysfunctions such as Parkinson’s disease,

online education becomes a saving grace in their lives. It not

only becomes convenient, but it also provides these people with

a connection to the world right in their own homes. Having the

burden of education addressed by the internet is a convenience

for the operators of care facilities as they can exclusively use

these online schools for the education of their patients or as

extra sources and materials used in their curriculum.

With all of these in mind, new materials and tools for online

instruction need to be developed. Foremost among these necessary

tools is audio and video streaming through the internet.

Audio-video streaming allows for two people to instantly

communicate from distinctly separate locations. An instructor

can use the internet to talk to his or her student face to face,

so to speak.

One thing our educators agree upon is that there is no better

teacher than experience. In recent years, companies started

manufacturing educational videos for use by infants. By using

these video, infants are projected to start learning at an

earlier age than before. Because of the audio-video experience,

the attention given to these videos by an infant is considerably

more than they would give to a children’s book. In being able to

grab attention and interest, the video succeeds in educating the

mind of the child.

In the same manner, the use of audio and video in the education

of older children, juveniles and adults is a more interesting

and entertaining experience than a plain chemistry book. With a

person actually able to see the animated structure of an atom,

the curiosity of that individual is stimulated. When people

become curious, their imagination becomes active and they strive

to gather more information about the subject.

This is where the importance of education through video lies.

The content (assuming that it is interesting) grabs the viewers’

attention and stirs their curiosity, thereby stimulating a

thirst for knowledge.

As internet audio-video streaming technology improves, the more

use they will become to online educational institutions. People

who have knowledge of how to install and use these utilities are

quickly becoming assets to many entrepreneurs, especially those

businesses that are situated in the internet.

To your success,

P.S. The use of video streaming technology by websites has

ballooned significantly. Even websites designed by amateurs and

those people who have their own blog sites are starting to

sprout videos. Video streaming is starting to grow. You might

want to grow with it.

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