There are only two different types of consumers, the optimists, and the pessimists. The overwhelming majority of those consumers will try to call themselves optimists, but that is because they are unwilling to face reality.
Your marketing message, especially the slogan, has a significant impact on the customer’s involvement. For example, a message or slogan might use particular words or be phrased in a way that does not fit the audience. So the ideal customer now becomes turned off or much harder to persuade. Either way, it is bad news for you.
The question is “how do you market specifically to the pessimists and the optimists?” You simply conform your message to fit their mindset, whether it be positive or negative.
A prime example can be seen with toothpaste. The optimists will find “whiter teeth & fresher breath” appealing, while the pessimists will find “prevents cavities and gingivitis” to be the inspiration for their investment.
The difference between these very different marketing tactics is sometimes hard to spot. Do you see the difference? The optimists are drawn toward the positive aspects of even whiter teeth and fresher breath, while the pessimists are drawn toward the idea of preventing the negatives that are likely to become a problem down the road (gingivitis and cavities).
You will be dealing with both optimists and pessimists, and they will not come to you wearing a sign that says what type they are. This is exactly why you market to both groups and look at the results. For example, you may try out a positive and negative marketing approach and see that you are selling 18% more of a particular service or product with the negative advertising approach. At that point, you can safely say you are dealing with a pessimistic audience.
Simple advertising statements are another way to show the separation between the pessimists and optimists. Saying “click here to get massive traffic to YOUR website” and saying “click here to prevent YOUR website from losing money” might sound the same, but the results of clicks and success with each will tell two very different stories. If the positive marketing tactic receives 22% more clicks, then you will want to continue with that marketing tactic.
You can also segment your audience into different groups by analyzing the way they think. For example, you might be pushing a new slogan for your investment niche. When appealing to the younger audience, the goal would be to stress the large profit or ROI. On the other hand, the older audience would be drawn toward the idea of a steady flow of income. It would not be wise to think of the younger audience and older audience as pessimistic or optimistic. It would boil down to getting into their mindset. The older men and women would want to further their wealth and prevent deterioration, and the younger audience would be willing to make some risky investments to get their journey started.
The bottom line is that you will likely come into contact with men and women that are very diverse because of their age and mindset. You need to recognize this and market accordingly. Making two different sales pages for each group might seem like a lot of work at first, but the results are going to encourage a bigger audience and a significant increase in sales.

Joshua Shoemaker


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