Money is something everyone wants and needs and believe it or not, you can make money with your Twitter account. Twitter was started in 2006 and since then it has grown in leaps and bounds and has more than half a million users as of 2013. It’s estimated that a third of those users are on Twitter every day and that they stay online about four hours with more than an hour or that using Twitter!

With all of those positive statistics, it’s no wonder that there are several good ways to help your business to make some profits through your Twitter account. Here are some of the best ones to get you started:

Transform Followers Into Designers

The way to do this is to get your followers involved in the product or potential products that your business sells. For instance, if your business makes T-shirts with funny sayings on them, you can sponsor a content where your followers submit funny sayings and then choose the winner and put the saying onto a real t-shirt.  Since you already built up the excitement during the contest, the resulting winning t-shirt is bound to sell, thus providing you a fun way of generating income for your business.

This form of marketing could be translated into other kinds of businesses too such as someone who makes bumper stickers, signs, posters, or even if your business is entirely different you can most likely find something similar to do to generate interest in one of your products or services.

Announce Flash Sales on Twitter

Another way to generate income from your Twitter account is to announce sudden sales in a tweet to your followers. You can post a link to your business website and tweet something like, “Buy this item now only for $5 and only during the next two hours, hurry to our website now!” That is sure to get some excitement going and your loyal customers will likely go to the link and hopefully buy your product. If you are lucky and lots of people see the tweet, you could get a good sum of money in just a few hours! And it was free advertising too, which is an added bonus for your business.

Use Twitter to Get Leads

There are lots of things you can do with Twitter to help generate leads for your business. Once you get leads, they can turn into traffic to your website or your brick and mortar location and thus make you some sales and profits. The way to generate leads with Twitter is to make sure that you are consistently offering your clients and customers  lots of worthwhile and up-to-date content about what is going on with your niche and by answering questions, solving problems concerning your type of products or services, and meeting their needs regarding your field of work.

Plus, you can do Twitter searches using relevant keywords or phrases and search for trending words that could show you if someone on Twitter is talking about your field of work or is upset because one of your competitors didn’t come through on some product or service, etc. Then you can take advantage of that situation and contact them and offer your services, which hopefully will lead to more profits and sales.

Avoid Hard Sell Practices

Even if your goal is to make money on Twitter, the last thing you want to do is become a pest and only tweet about the things you have to sell. You also want to actually provide useful data and current information on things like how to use a particular product or service, tell your followers the best ways to use it or even use a customer made video as a testimony to one of your products. No one wants to be pressured to buy something, but if they trust your company to provide real facts that they can use they will likely be willing to buy something just because they actually need and want it.

If your business gets the reputation of being a company that can be trusted to always be proactive and there when someone needs an answer or a solution and who always knows what is going on in your niche, then loyal customers become loyal buyers and they will also tell people about your company and how it helped them. That’s because the key to making money is happy customers and if you provide that instead of always just self-promoting your business, then you will do far better and make a lot more profits in the long run.

So yes, it is possible to make money using Twitter. You just have to be creative, responsive and loyal to your customers and make your business the one that helps people and meets their needs.

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