Everyone wants to close more sales on their website no matter how much money they take home each month. In other words, a business whether it be big or small always has the same question – ?how,? The trick to selling more is to welcome questions and then effortlessly annihilate these issues in such a way that the person asking the question feels both enlightened and persuaded. That sounds confusing, but a great salesperson will tell you these ?objections? (questions) come with the territory no matter what business you are in. If you sell vacuum cleaners and steaks you have very different products and diverse clientele, but objections are always going to be popping up left and right, and you just have to find the right way to answer them.

Obviously, on the website, there is not a world-class salesperson ready to respond these objections in a masterful way. The sales letter is designed to do that, which explains why it is so lengthy. Virtually all the objections are covered, but there has likely never been a sales letter at any point in time that did not get a couple of objections tossed at it from curious customers that just didn?t bother to read it all the way through. The best way to deal with that is to be ready to engage a client when they ask the question and answer it perhaps better than the sales letter. Do not say anything close to ?go read it in the newsletter? or ?scroll down and you will see it.? That is a quick way to lose that sale.

It is sometimes hard to imagine where the customers head is at when the question comes up. Perhaps they are in a hurry and ready to give you their credit card number if they just knew the answer to one question. Think that way and you will find yourself in a great situation where you begin dealing with an objection and next thing you know the customer stops you and starts saying ?I am ready to buy.?

A faster solution to this problem is to include an F.A.Q into the equation. It doesn’t even need to be on the sales page. Just keep compiling frequently asked questions, come up with the best answers to those questions, and then put them on the F.A.Q page. The time invested will seem so small when tons of customers thank you for the questions, and the sales start rolling in at never-before-seen rates.

You might be wondering what should be in your F.A.Q. Really the more, the better, but make sure you start with the basic such as significant benefits, the price and guarantee, what they can expect, and time frame to get results. Next, you can start implementing the frequently asked questions. For example, ?does this work outside of the U.S.,? or ?do I need to purchase anything else to make this work,?

Think of the F.A.Q as an always growing page that increases the chances of a sale with each new addition. A question needs an answer, and as your following increases the question will likely come up again. Answering right when it presents itself might be the key to getting an immediate sale from a customer who saw it on your F.A.Q page and was stunned that you already went out of the way to answer the question.

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