If you are having trouble coming up with content for your website, you might be thinking too literally about content always being freshly written content and text. The truth is, you can come up with a lot more content than just blog posts or articles that you wrote yourself. Here are several suggestions.
1. Testimonials from Satisfied Customers Â? Make it a habit to get feedback from your customers with your first invoice. Send a short questionnaire to get the answers you need to copy and paste to a testimonials page, or use a testimonial plugin for WordPress to help you create a more automatic testimonial that your customers can post with a link you provide to them.
Testimonial link – http://wordpress.org/plugins/testimonials-widget/
2. Interview Movers and Shakers in Your Industry Â? A really simple way to create content is to interview people who are making an impact in your industry. You can turn the interview into a podcast, transcribe it into a blog post, and even make it into a short Kindle book.
3. Contributed Expert Guest Blog Posts Â? Ask other experts who can give information to your audience to contribute guest blog posts. You can sometime get people to do this for free, but if you offer payment you’re more likely to get better quality, original guest blog posts.
4. Interview Complementary Experts Â? To get even more content for your website, you can go outside of your particular niche slightly by interviewing complementary experts who market to your audience but are not competition to you. Again, you can record it, create a podcast from it, and transcribe it.
5. Combine Blog Posts to Create an EReport Â? Use the WordPress plugin Anthologize to combine blog posts into an interesting report that you can give away or sell.
Anthologize link – https://wordpress.org/plugins/anthologize/
6. Repurpose EBook and EReport Chapters Â? Just as you can use blog posts to make a eBook or eReport, you can also do the opposite. Rewrite and reorganize some of the chapters of your books or reports into single blog posts.
7. Create a Video Using Blog Posts as the Script Â? Video is becoming a very important content format to use today. You can put them right on your blog, on YouTube, inside a membership site, on an eCourse website and more.
8. Use the Snipping Tool to Create Screen Shots Â? If you have any “how to” posts, add some screen shots to them using the snipping tool you have on your computer if you have Windows 7, or software like Snagit to take a screen shot to demonstrate how to do anything in a way that your audience can understand better.
Snagit link – http://www.techsmith.com/snagit.html
9. Use Rewritten PLR Â? If you’re stuck on what to write, buy some PLR about the topic. Be sure to have it rewritten so that it’s like an original blog post or article. You can test it out on copyscape.com to ensure that it doesn’t show up as plagiarized or as duplicate content.
10. Hire a Ghostwriter Â? Find a ghostwriter to supply regular, researched, and updated content. Ghostwriters often have college degrees and are well trained in researching subject matter. They research and write the content based on your specifications in the voice you prefer, then they sell you all rights to it. You can put your name on it, and establish yourself as a sought-after expert.
These are the best sources of content for your website that will get results if used on a regular and ongoing basis.