The growing online popularity of videos has opened up big doors to those who are a YouTube

affiliate. Just the fact that Google bought YouTube for $1.65 billion dollars gives you an idea how

big this online video platform has become. Many have already taken advantage of this lucrative

opportunity. You can see your commissions go through the roof as well if you become a YouTube


To be a YouTube Affiliate, the first thing that you are going to need to do is to get some good

screencasting software. This is done to capture the image of your computer and turns it into a video.

It is also called a video screen capture. Usually this will involve a narration so work on getting your

best professional sounding voice. There are a few good screencasting software programs out.

Camtasia is very good and comes highly recommended. It isn’t cheap but it is well worth the price.

Imovie is also very good and comes bundled with Mac computers much of the time. If you are

limited in your funds then you will find The Jing Project useful because it is free. Once you find the

screencasting software that best suits you then you can begin gathering the content for your video.

Your content should be simple and easy to understand. It should also give people a reason to believe

that not only do you know what you are talking about but you should also give them a reason to

visit your affiliate link. If you want to make money online as a YouTube affiliate, you have to know

to properly bait your potential customer with just enough information to get them hungry but don’t

give them the whole package. Get them wanting more and then make it so they want to follow your

link to see what you have to offer. Your affiliate network should have plenty of opportunities for

you and your affiliate programs will have all the information that you need.

Because YouTube is free, anyone can make an account and doing so is easy. Just follow the

instructions. Once you have done that you will be able to publish your video on YouTube. Doing

that isn’t complicated either. If you need some help they have a video tutorial that you will find very

helpful. Once it is uploaded to YouTube it will be seen among the 100,000’s of videos uploaded

daily. The only difference as a YouTube affiliate is that your videos will be making you money.

Affiliates using YouTube can really boost sales and help generate a higher click through rate. Done

correctly it will also help convert that CTR into sales. Make it a part of your marketing mix. Use it

in conjunction with your article marketing efforts. There are many ways that Youtube can boost

your affiliate marketing ventures. The only limit is your imagination.

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