Marketing your Etsy store is simply about getting the word out about your existence and creating a trusting and welcoming environment on your page. The more of your audience who see your store, the more chance you have of making sales.
Take Awesome Photos
You may need to train yourself on how to take good product pictures using a photo light box that you can buy or by building your own. If you cannot take the time to do that and you sell high-priced items, consider hiring a photographer to help do your products justice. The photo is what is going to sell your item faster than anything else.
Photo light box –
Building your own light box –
Craft Thorough Descriptions
On your store front you’re allowed to write descriptions of your products. Be sure to use good, keyword-rich words in the title, as well as in the descriptions. Use bullets, and give as much information as you can. This is all part of marketing your products on It all goes together to make the person browsing your products want to buy them.
Send Out Press Releases
Once you get your store set up, and even periodically when you have something new to add to your story, you want to develop and send out press releases to the appropriate people. Whether you’re announcing the grand opening of your Etsy store or announcing that you’ll be at a particular event, send out press releases regularly.
Market via Facebook
Using Facebook to market your Etsy store is a great way to get those who know you, and those who follow you to take a look at your store. Etsy has plenty of applications that you can use to help market your store on Facebook and other social media such as Easy Social Media Marketing Campaigns which will let you run Facebook contests easily and effectively.
Another really affective app for Etsy is OrangeTwig, which is a free social store you can put on Facebook. Facebook also has inexpensive Facebook ads, and the ability to promote posts that can help you increase sales.
Easy Social Media Marketing Campaigns –
OrangeTwig –
Promote with Pinterest
Pinterest is especially relevant when it comes to promoting your Etsy store with social media. Since Pinterest is visual in nature, it works very well to promote shop items – especially if you’ve taken the time to take excellent pictures and write full, descriptive product information on each product.
Buy Banner Ads
You can use BannerPlay to boost your Etsy sales with gorgeous banner ads. The price is realistic for most sellers, and can dramatically increase awareness of your store. The more people within your target audience who visit your store front, the more likely you are to make more sales.
BannerPlay –
Pinterest, Facebook and other social media does not negate the need to have a blog. There is so much you can blog about when it comes to your products that you sell on Etsy. If you are selling creative products, you can post blogs and videos about your creative process to the joy of your customer base. They will love hearing about how you came up with new ideas and they will wait impatiently for updates and then pounce on the new item quickly.
Go to Events
Even though your store is online, in the creative community, marketing yourself locally is still an important component of having a successful Etsy store front. More than likely you can find plenty of local events, or events within a day’s drive that you can attend to promote your creative products. The more known you are, the more press you can get. And the more press you get, the more people will go to your Etsy store front.
Provide Top-Notch Customer Service
Another important component to marketing your Etsy store is to provide the best service you can. It doesn’t have to be anything all that creative. Answer questions quickly, provide refunds to people who aren’t happy, do whatever you have to please the customer so that you can get good testimonials and keep a high seller rating.
Marketing your Etsy store is required if you want to be successful. There is no such thing as “building it and they will come.” You have to realize that if you want to make money from Etsy and not just treat it as a hobby, it will require some effort outside of making your beautiful and interesting creatives.