I am sure by now you’ve found out that there are a lot of different
things you can do to generate traffic on the internet.
Some take a long time. Some are instant. Some are free. Some
take a lot of time.
However, one of the best things you can do for your business to
generate traffic is to start a blog.
A blog is a great way to get traffic because you can use a variety
of different methods to promote it.
You can use SEO for each blog post that will help you build traffic
over time.
If you’re using something like wordpress for your blog, you’ll be able
to use a variety of search engine plug-ins that will help you with
doing seo.
This takes a lot of the technicality out of getting good rankings for
your websites.
Another great thing about a blog is that you can focus solely on
creating great content without having to worry about getting top
search engine rankings.
If you create useful content, people will start linking to your blog.
You’ll start receiving visitors from another trusted website.
When people link to your blog it’s like they’re giving you a vote
of confidence.
They’re telling their readers that you have a good website that will
provide them with awesome content.
Automatically you already have trust in their eyes. Whereas getting
traffic from a search engine you’ll have to build the trust.
Blogs are interactive so people love them.
You’ll be able to read some of the comments on your blog and
be able to respond accordingly which is another great way to build
One of the other positives about blogs is a thing called an “RSS Feed”.
This will make it so your content can get syndicated by other websites
and this is why it’s important that you have interesting headlines for
your readers.
The feed will pick up the headlines and the person will decide to read
depending on how interested they are in what you’re offering.
So if you’re looking at starting a blog, you can now see the benefits
of doing so.
You’ll get traffic. You’ll build trust. You’ll build relationships.
In the end you’ll make a lot more money.
Joshua Shoemaker