If you want to be successful in copywriting, or know how to spot good copywriting, it’s imperative that you stay up to date in copywriting trends. Things change so fast today with new technology, that what was popular yesterday may only be irritating today. If you stay up to date on the trends in copywriting you’ll avoid having those problems. However, some things will never go out of style when it comes to effective copywriting.
1. Know Who Your Audience Is – No matter what you’re doing in your business, creating products or writing copy, it’s imperative that you know who your audience is. You must know and understand your audience inside out. Seek to know them better than they know themselves so that you can not only create awesome and useful products for them, but also so that you can create copy that jumps out to them.
2. Understand Your Subject Matter – If you have no clue about the subject matter for which you’re writing, it will show. Extensive study of the subject you want to write about, as well as the audience you’ll be writing for, is an important part in creating effective copy that converts readers into customers.
3. Tell Your Story to Build Brand Awareness – Your audience wants to know about your story. Weaving your story through all of your copy is a good way to connect with the reader. It’s important to realize that when we say “your story,” it’s really their story, too. Remember to tell the story in a way that remembers that it’s about them.
4. Craft Bold Headlines to Grab Your Audience – Headlines for articles should not be puns, or tricks, or do anything but explain what the article or blog post will be about when they click through to read it. The headline needs to hook the reader in, grab their attention, and make them want to click to read, but it should not be deceptive. Creating effective headlines takes some measure of talent and understanding of the audience and subject.
5. Provide Value to Your Readers – Gone are the days of short, generic copy that provides no insight to the readers. Your copy should feel valuable to the reader all on its own. It should feel to the reader as if they have already received something really awesome and generous before they even buy something. They’re going to be more likely to buy if what they’re reading for free is valuable.
6. Discuss Benefits over Features – It’s still about them, and it will always be about them. Nothing will ever change that. No matter how good you are at whatever it is that you do, you need to tell your story in a way that makes it about the customer. You’ve heard it before: “benefits over features” – make that your mantra.
7. Be More Specific and Write More Details – A new trend in content is to create longer, more detailed pieces. Your audience is more savvy today than they were just a few years ago. Technology advances are moving at a super-fast pace and you must keep up. Because your audience is so smart, they need more information than they ever needed previously to make a good decision.
8. Hire an Expert Copywriter – If you feel you can’t produce copywriting that is effective and speaks to your audience in an intelligent way, either due to lack of skill or lack of time, consider hiring a copywriting expert. Today, brands have to not only produce their products and services but they also have to become publishers. If you can outsource this aspect of marketing, you’ll be able to focus on what you do best while still creating converting content that gets huge results.
Keeping aware of what will never change in copywriting, along with the newer trends such as longer copy and hiring the right experts, will ensure that you have more success than you thought possible.