Note to Publisher: Add your favorites and your podcast to this list! 🙂

1. SoloSmarts – by Kelly McCausey
Listen at:
Why you should listen: Kelly McCausey is the “Podcast Pioneer” having podcasted regularly since 2003. She brings on guests who are solopreneurs and talks about everything from finding a business to selling it when you’re ready to walk away and everything in between.

2. Smart Passive Income – by Pat Flynn
Listen at:
Why you should listen: Pat Flynn is as smart as they come and he’s a really good person, too. He brings on different guests each week to tackle various parts of an online business. One of the best parts is his monthly Income Reports which are hugely popular with his audience.

3. Online Success Cast – by Nicole Dean
Listen at:
Why you should listen: Nicole features real Online Business Success Stories of people making the web and the world a better place – while making a great living doing so. Her podcast is simply a conversation about what it takes to succeed online and the journey each person has taken to get there – along with tips to avoid potholes along the way.

4. Sparkplugging Podcast – with Kelly McCausey
Listen at:
Why you should listen: This podcast is unique in that it is a round table format with a panel of between 4-5 guests per “season” of 12 episodes. The guests tackle a single topic and banter back and forth about it – and oftentimes get into deep discussions where more info sneaks out then I think they meant for it to. Fun and educational.

5. Freedom Ocean with James Schramko and Tim Reid
Listen at:
Why you should listen: This podcast has a huge variety and is a they podcast from all over the world. Interesting discussions on all types of things related to Internet Marketing.

6. Huge Profits Tiny List with Connie Green
Listen at:
Connie’s down to earth style makes listening relaxing and enjoyable. Plus, she has great guests on who are people she typically knows in advance so there is a nice relationship from the beginning of each show.

Joshua Shoemaker

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