When someone talks to you about backing up or cloning a WordPress blog, I want you to get creative. I want you to think about how you can use it to save time and make more money. When you are backing up and cloning a WordPress blog, you are cloning not just the design, the theme and the settings of that blog but the content as well. That’s why you can use your cloning technology to deploy ready-made content, to deploy a functioning website for local businesses and also set up brand new money-making AdSense or e-commerce sites.

It’s very tedious to add content to WordPress. If you have 100 pieces of content, 100 articles you have to copy and paste every individual title and post content one at a time unless you have an Importer plugin. But once that’s all setup, once that is all loaded into WordPress with all the proper hyperlinks, with the settings, now you can put this on a new site.

What would happen if you wanted to put all these content on a brand new site? Very simple, back up the site, restore it somewhere else. Now that the content has been restored, you can change the theme. You can move the content around to different categories, set it up on a drip, do whatever you want. Now you have ready-made content either for a public blog or a paid private membership site.

A great magic trick to use for this backup and cloning technology is to show local businesses how quickly you can get their website online. Just imagine if you set up a dentist blog with a dentist theme and some dentist content. You went to a dentist office and you said, “I want to set up a site just for you that shows a map to your business, hours of operation, maybe some videos, maybe some content,” and you can do it right there on the spot. Open up your laptop or pick up your iPad, tap a few buttons and now you have made a copy of this dentist site and you can change it to show that dentist’s name, their information all with a few click of a mouse or a few taps on the screen because you backed it up, you restored it, and you made changes to that restored site.

Finally, you can set up brand new money-making sites by cloning a blog. Think about a site where maybe you have 100 or 1,000 different pieces of content with affiliate links or AdSense ads and you said to someone, “I want to syndicate my articles onto your site.” You backup your site, restore it somewhere else and changed their AdSense ID or their ClickBank ID to that new value. Now they can use all the articles you’ve written to make money on their own. Maybe you’ll swap out some of the articles and yours or some combination of the two but you can take a site that’s already making money and give someone a copy of it by just backing it up and restoring it somewhere else.

I hope that gives you some new ideas about what kind of new niches you can use to clone with your blog. You can revive ready-made content, you can set something up for local businesses which means you set it up, change the information or even set up a site or a plugin that already makes money and help someone else make money with it as well.

Backup and clone your WordPress website at http://backupcreator.com/bc/?e=joshua shoemaker

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