If you’ve heard or you’ve seen WordPress, you’ve been surprised how many millions of copies are downloaded every year and how many large and small sites use this blogging platform to host, not just their blogs, but their authority sites, their sales letters and the membership sites and even their entire businesses. But there are a few uses where WordPress blogs are not appropriate.
For example, in a single page website and you’re going to use your website where there’s lots of coding involved. But WordPress is good if you have lots of content wants some navigation and want to host multimedia. If you’re just trying to set up a very, very simple one, very quick website, in just a few minutes, I would recommend you use a regular HTML editor instead. You can still buy HTML templates and have them look any way you want and most of you wouldn’t know that cPanel which is included in most web posts has what’s called a file manager. And within that, actually has a wysiwyg or a what you see is what you get visual editor where you can edit web pages right there on your website and see them exactly as the finished product will look.
But I think that a single page website with nothing else on it is overkill to set up WordPress on. WordPress is a blogging platform where you can install many pages, many posts, have sidebars, have comment, have multiple authors and contributors and it simply takes more work to remove all that stuff in a default WordPress installation than to just get an HTML template and upload it and customize it.
In addition, if you want to use a very complicated coded website, WordPress might not be for you. For example, if you’re setting up the next YouTube or the next Twitter, that might be more appropriate to just code by hand since it is not exactly a blog. But on the other hand, if you are setting up a blog, most sites are blogs or at least, most sites contain pages of navigation. So if you just want to set up a simple web page with text, with video, even with some interaction, WordPress is good. But if you want to have a crazy website where no blog makes sense, where no blog looks at all like what you have in mind then WordPress is not for you.
But on the other hand, if you want to have a site that you can set up very quickly, that’s very easy to rearrange, to add content to, to put with audio and video and images and see exactly the way it will look and be able to change it instantly to get any number of themes and plugins to change the look and functionality then WordPress is for you and you should use that to host your blog, membership site or sales letter starting today.
Set up WordPress right now and back it all up to protect yourself at
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