When you complete the process of writing the sales copy for your new product, there is the need to evaluate your copy prior to displaying it on your website or emailing it to your subscriber list.
If all your promotional methods drive traffic to your site, and the copy does not generate sales, then you have wasted money, time, effort, and valuable traffic. Free traffic offers the same result as if you paid for the traffic. You ruin your chances of selling to them now and in the future. They will not give you a chance to revamp and return when your copy is on point. A valuable incentive may help to get them to return a second time. However, it is chancy at best.
Go incommunicado as you stay off the internet and the phone for at least an hour. Then become the potential consumer or prospect. Think and feel in harmony with the prospect. You are dealing with the exact difficulties, issues, and have the same questions. You have to walk a mile in their shoes to understand what they want or need.
Now reread the sales letter from their point of view from beginning to end. For now, just read, without editing the letter in any form. You only need to read the sales copy from the perspective of a prospect who is trying to decide whether to purchase your product.
Now that you have done this task, assess how well your copy fulfills the following criteria, and designate a number from one to five for each factor.
The number 1: Virtually non-existent
The number 2: Requires improvement
The number 3: Not awful, but needs more work
The number 4: Powerful
The number 5: Brilliant!
This assessment will help you to refine your sales copy so that prospects will purchase your product or services.
1. Is the headline an immediate attention grabber? _____
2. Do you have a lead-in that entices you to read further? _____
3. Do your headline and lead-in have absolute credibility? _____
4. Will the headline and lead-in combination have a compelling impact on a substantial numbers of your prospects? _____
5. Do the headline and lead-in combination reveal the considerable benefit to the prospect? _____
6. Do you as the spokesperson leave no doubt as to your qualifications? _____
7. Do the first paragraphs that you read generate emotions that induce you to read further? _____
8. Did you provide a reason to the prospect for reading this without delay? _____
9. Is the copy written and read as a conversation between two friends? _____
10. Does it appear that you as spokesperson genuinely has the best interests of the prospect as the center of the copy? _____
11. Is there an examination of product benefits? _____
12. Was there a full development of the emotional reasons for a purchase? _____
13. Does the letter have entertaining, informative, and qualities that foster a sale? _____
14. Is the price fully warranted, yet understated? _____
15. Did you display the guarantee in a prominent manner, and does it reiterate the benefits? _____
16. Does the prospect have a compelling reason to make the purchase at this time without delay? _____
17. Does your copy give the prospect a sense of urgency? _____
18. Does your excitement heighten as you read through the sales letter? _____
19. Did you provide a compelling call to action that makes the prospect feel foolish for not making a purchase? _____
20. Are there specific instructions that tell the prospect the next action required, how to order, and how their product will be delivered, such as digitally or traditionally? _____
21. From the perspective of the prospect, would you purchase your product? _____
Score Evaluations
A score of 21 to 50: This copy should not be used without significant modifications.
A score of 51 to 65: You made an effort. Now go back to the drawing board to make it exceptional.
A score of 66 to 80: This is a good draft, but it is not up to par with copy that will get you the sale of your product. It needs lots of work.
A score of 81 to 95: This rendering is great. It needs a few adjustments that will lead to traffic converting to sales.
A score of 96 to 105: You are an exceptional copywriter!
Joshua Shoemaker
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