Are you an article writer or an e-book writer? If so, how long

does it take you to write? Do you wish that you could write

quicker, but without having to compromise the quality of your

work? If so, you can. There are a number of different methods

that you can use to write quicker, while keeping the quality of

your work the same or even improving it. Just a few of these

methods, seven to be exact, are outlined below.

(1)Comfort If you would like to write quicker, you need to

find a setting that you feel comfortable in. In addition to

actually feeling comfortable, you need to be comfortable.

Whether you want to work from your bed or outdoors, you are

advised to do so. You are also urged to dress comfortably.

When writers are comfortable, they are able to not only work

quicker, but also produce better work.

(2) Distractions All distractions need to be eliminated.

Although this may seem difficult, it doesn’t have to be. For

instance, if you are a work-at-home parent, you can try sending

your child to daycare, even if it is only one day a week. You

can also try working during nap times or even at night, after

your child has gone to sleep. The elimination of distractions

is a great way to write quicker. In fact, it is also known to

reduce or completely eliminate the chances of developing writers


(3)Typing Do you consider yourself to be fast at typing? If

you type less than fifty words per minute (wpm), you may want to

think about taking a typing class. One of the many problems

that e-book writers face is that their fingers don’t go as fast

as their minds do. Once your typing improves to a quicker

speed, you may notice a significant improvement in the amount of

time that it takes you to write.

(4)Outlines If you are an e-book writer who currently doesn’t

use an outline, you may want to think about doing so. Outlines

are relatively easy to develop and they have an unlimited number

of benefits. One of those benefits is that you know exactly

what to write and how to write it. This means that you can just

focus on writing and not necessarily thinking about your next

step. This, alone, can save you a considerable amount of time.

(5)Spell Check Spell check, without a doubt, is important to

any e-book. That is why it is important that you do it, but you

may want to write first and spell check later. If you use a

program like Microsoft Word, all of your misspelled words will

be highlighted and waiting for you. For that reason you are

advised to wait until the end, doing so will eliminate small

breaks; breaks that may bring on a case of writers block.

(6)Proofreading As with spell checking, proofreading is

extremely important. Many e-book authors like to proofread

after writing a chapter or a paragraph. If at all possible, you

are urged not to do this. You may want to write now and

proofread later. Once you get on a roll with writing, you may

not want to stop. In the end, you may find that it results in

you being able to finish your work quicker.

(7)Time You are advised to not worry about time. Even if you

are on a deadline, you are urged to take your time and not think

about it. Worrying about just how much time it takes you to

write will have a negative impact on your work. In fact, it is

likely to result in more mistakes. Those mistakes take time to

fix. If you are looking to write quicker, you should try

focusing on your writing, rather than time itself. You may be

surprised just how much it helps!

The above mentioned write quicker methods are just a few of the

many that exist. As you likely already know, what works for

someone else, might not work for you. With that in mind, you

are still advised to give the above mentioned approaches a try.

What do you have to loose?

To your success,
Joshua Shoemaker

P.S. Writing faster is a lot easier than many people think. If

you put your mind to it, could you be writing faster in no time

at all.

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