After spending an hour crafting the perfect email, you find that no one is clicking the important links inside it. Maybe you have created an advertisement banner with AdWords, yet no one is clicking it. I?m sure that you have been through this rather disappointing experience at least once in your life as an entrepreneur. You are left wondering what you could have done differently. We will address some simple methods of ensuring that your emails and advertisements are generating more clicks.
#1: Include a call to action that specifically tells the user to click.
#2: Provide the user with a free offer for clicking. If the reader knows that they are going to get free information, then they are going to be more motivated to click. You can always include this free information or free report inside of the sales letter.
#3: Make it easier for the reader to visualize what they will see when they click. People tend to be nervous about anything new because they have no idea what to expect. On the other hand, this nervousness is offset when a person knows what to expect. Advertisements serves as a gateway to new areas so you need to provide comfort by making it easier for the reader to visualize what they will see when they click. The better you are at creating a visual of what to expect, the more clicks you will receive.
#4: Describe what happens when the reader clicks. Advertisements that do not provide any clues as to what a user should expect are called ?blind clicks?. They convert poorly. Just like with visualization, a user will be more apt to click an ad when they know exactly what to expect.
#5: Show them the benefits of clicking. By ?show them? I mean that you need to include a picture on your advertisement. This picture must show the user how they are going to benefit from clicking on the advertisement. Are you going to show them the secret to gardening, Then show them a picture of a beautiful garden.
#6: Even freebies must have a compelling title. If you are giving away a free eBook for example, then be sure that the title entices and implies that the book will be a great deal! ?Free Gardening Guide? is not good enough. Go with something like ?19 Amazing Gardening Tips that Work.?
#7: Place a coupon in your email when possible. Coupons are powerful attention grabbers. Everyone loves to save money so you can stimulate this instinct by placing coupons in emails. This only works for emails sent using HTML.
#8: Discuss the value that the user will gain when they click.
#9: Include a benefit in the headline of your advertisement or the subject line of your email. This benefit should provide a fix for a pain point that is specific to your audience.
#10: Ask a question that addresses a pain point for your target audience.
#11: Ask an informal question. Questions peak curiosity. It doesn?t necessarily have to address a pain point (although those do tend to work better). The question you ask can be anything you want, so long as it pertains to the niche.
#12: Always be direct. Don?t beat around the bush. Let them know that you?ve got a great offer for them and then come out and say it.
#13: Provide only information that is useful. Some people make the mistake of creating an attractive subject line or header and then don?t back it up with the content. Be sure that your content matches your headline. Then when they click through, be sure that the information they are going to see is useful.