If you change your habits, you will change your results. Take that to the bank. I’m willing to bet everything on that statement.

Because when you change your habits, you change the way you think, you change the way you talk, and most importantly, you change the way you behave.

Listen up, people couldn’t care less about your feelings. I don’t want to be the first person to let you in on that truth, but it’s the absolute truth.

How come? Well, all people have feelings. Feelings are a dime a dozen. You’re feeling one way one second, then you’re feeling another way another second. So what?

What matters is what you do. That’s when the world sits up and pays attention. That’s the point in time where you actually change your world. You will be judged based on what you do, not your feelings.

This is why it’s really important to change your habits. Because if you are any way, shape or form, unhappy with the results you are getting, it may because of your habits.

As a video marketer, you know that there is money to be made. You know that this is not a fantasy. You know that this is not theory, speculation or somebody’s opinion. This is the real deal.

People are banking. People are killing it. But why not you? What are they doing right that you are doing wrong? What did you miss out on? Well, it can boil down to your habits.

The good news? Study the habits of successful video marketers and adopt them. Again, change your habits and you change your results.

Here are the 4 habits of highly effective and successful video marketers.

Habit #1: They reverse engineer their competitors

The first thing that I noticed about highly effective video marketers is that they don’t reinvent the wheel. They definitely do not suffer from the classic “build it and they will come” mindset that has bankrupted so many marketers before them.

Instead, they focus on what works. They focus on what everybody else got right and uses that information to build their online marketing empires.

In other words, they build their businesses on the bedrock of tried and proven success. They’re not speculating, they’re not taking shots in the dark, they’re not hoping for the best coming up with something hot, no. They focus on stuff that already exists and use the same topics and themes and present video with a particular brand-building twist.

Habit #2: They constantly test

I have yet to meet a successful marketer who just stuck with one solution throughout their career. If they did that, they would quickly start to starve.

Successful marketers understand that market sentiments and consumer trends change quickly. This is why they always try to remain several steps ahead of the market. They’re constantly testing.

How do they do this? Well, they would take a video ad, for example, and come up with many different variations. They would run traffic through the video ad and pay attention to the results.

If it turns out that one variation is converting at a much higher rate, then they would take that variation and come up with even more variations of it, and run the traffic again. They then take the winner that leads to higher conversions, and repeat the process again and again.

They only stop once the video no longer improves in conversions. They’ve reached a peak conversion rate.

What do they do then? They buy a lot of traffic, or they go on a massive free traffic-generation campaign. And it all boils down to constant testing.

Habit #3: They constantly scale up their operations

Highly effective video marketers are not content with just one small video in one channel making, let’s say, $1,000 a month. A lot of people would think that that’s success. No.

Successful marketers understand that if they are able to make $1,000 per month, they can make $10,000. If they can make $10,000, then they can make $100,000. If they can make $100,000, they can make $1,000,000. And on and on it goes.

The secret? Scaling.

So what they would do is they would constantly test different content and see if it converts, and then they would take what works and replicate it across many different platforms into a larger scale or maybe they can use it to promote other products.

Whatever the case may be, they’re scaling up. They’re not thinking small time. They have huge mental horizons. They don’t just focus on a neat, tidy little box in front of them.

Habit #4: They focus on conversions

I have to admit, this is one habit that I should have adopted early on in my video marketing career. Unfortunately, I did not.

Just with a lot of marketers who are wet behind the ears, I got all excited about the fact that my videos were getting a lot of traffic. I would upload video after video on YouTube and, sure enough, just like clockwork, people would click on the link in the description page.

It seems like people love my videos enough to go to my sales page link. But here’s the problem. They would click the link, and promptly do nothing. My videos got a lot of traffic, but I also got a whole lot of nothing.

It took several months for it to finally dawn on me. In fact, “dawn on me” is too mild of a phrase. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. It’s as if these bricks just came out of the sky and just pegged me on the head. It was a painful realization to say the least.

I was focusing on click-through. I was focusing on reach. I was focusing on traffic volume. I was focusing visits. In other words, I was focusing on all the stuff that, at the end of the day, doesn’t really matter.

Because you know what matters? Whether dollars appear in your bank account or they don’t. That’s what matters. Dollars only appear when you convert traffic into cold hard cash.

Highly effective video marketers focus on conversions from the beginning. Before they even sit down to create a video, they’re already thinking of conversions. Before they even think about writing the script or outsourcing the script to somebody else or retaining a voice-over talent, they’re already thinking about conversions.

At the end of the day, it’s about conversions, conversions, conversions. That’s why they’re successful and most other video marketers continue to struggle.

Make no mistake, you need to adopt the 4 habits of highly effective video marketers sooner rather than later. You can only take so many hits before you start seriously thinking about quitting.

I’m sorry to report that the only way to fail is to quit. So don’t quit.

You already know the habits of highly effective video marketers. Adopt these habits. Change your habits and you change your results.

Joshua Shoemaker



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