One of my buddies, Henry Gold, has decided to give
away a Brand-New MeetUp Marketing PLR called
“MeetUp Marketing Secrets Step-By-Step Guide 2.0”
where it will give your audience a step-by-step
blueprint how to make a lot of cash by
You can slap in your name.
You can become an author.
You can rebrand yourself as a product creator.
You can resell it for 100% cash profit.
You can sell it online and offline.
Basically, it is completely up to YOU.
Go ahead and download them now at:
Meet Up Marketing PLR 2.0
The MeetUp Marketing PLR Course includes:
Feature #1: Training Guide 2.0 (Value: $600)
Feature #2: Cheat-Sheet (Value: $100)
Feature #3: Mind-Map (Value: $75)
Feature #4: Professional Minisite and HTML (Value: $400)
Feature #5: Sales Copy (Value: $500)
Feature #6: Professional Graphics (Value: $200)
Feature #7: Squeeze Page + Thank You Page (Value: $400)
Feature #8: Nine Follow-up Messages (Value: $100)
Feature #9: Customer List Page (Value: $200)
Feature #10: Set-Up Everything Tutorial (Value: $100)
BONUS #1: 21 MeetUp Marketing Tricks 2.0
BONUS #2: Untold Secrets on Getting Traffic With MeetUp Marketing
BONUS #3: Dominating MeetUp Marketing Industry
BONUS #4: MeetUp Marketing 2.0 Step-by-Step Checklist
BONUS #5: Build $279,000 Per Year Business in 17 Minutes With Three Simple Steps
In addition, we have even provided you with a step-by-step
tutorials on how to edit, slap your name, and upload the
course in just MINUTES.
Download it now at:
Meet Up Marketing PLR 2.0
Sincerely yours,
Joshua Shoemaker
P.S. As part of the promotion, you will receive
everything that I mentioned above starting at $7.
However, as Henry is utilizing the dime sale method,
you need to make sure you download the package right
now at:
Meet Up Marketing PLR 2.0
…Before it is too late for you!