You already understand the difference between following a pins versus following a boards or following people. You also know how to set up Pinterest to use for your business. But, do you know the top ways to get the best search results for your pins, boards, and yourself on Pinterest?

Here are the top 10 ways to ensure you’ll get excellent search results using Pinterest.

1. Complete Your Profile — It’s amazing, but many people forget to fully fill out their profile on Pinterest. Doing so is vital to anyone finding you at all, much less your target audience. Give a lot of thought and consideration to the small amount of space you get to create your profile. Use each word wisely.

2. Get Verified — Pinterest started a new feature last October which enables you to verify that your website is yours and you are who you say you are. So if your domain name is you can go to your settings page and click verify website to find out more about this awesome feature that will instantly increase your credibility.

3. Use Keywords — Every chance you get to use text on Pinterest it is important that you use keywords. Use keywords in titles, descriptions, captions, board names, pin names and of course in your profile. To figure out what keywords to use, you must study your target audience, and do keyword research.

4. Don’t Forget to Go Public — Just like with a WordPress blog, you can hide your Pinterest from search engines. If you want to be found, don’t’ forget to go into settings and check to ensure that you’re not hiding from the search engines!

5. Create Multiple Boards — Try to create at least 10 to 20 different boards in various categories within your niche with at least 10 pins on each board. Do ensure that these boards match with your target audience and provide value.

6. Organize Your Boards — Remember that Pinterest is visual, so it’s important to put your most important boards “above the fold” where they will be seen the most. Also, consider moving them around to test out which Boards get the best click-through rates.

7. Change File Names — If you take a picture with your camera or phone it will often assign it a random number or combination of numbers and letters as a file name. Always change the file name to keywords so that the search engines will index it appropriately.

8. Image Resolution Matters — Most cell phones take great pictures today, but, if you upload it to Facebook directly from your phone for instance the quality of the picture goes down exponentially. Instead, transfer the picture to your computer, edit it, enhance the resolution, and then upload it to Pinterest or your website/blog before you pin it.

9. Make Buying Easy — Using tags for the price of the items you’re promoting will make it a lot easier for your audience to choose to click through and buy from you because of the way Pinterest items show up in search engines. The tags will show up a banner on the pin.

10. Follow Your Followers — It’s important to follow people who follow you so that you can figure out what kind of pins they follow. Pinterest is an excellent way to research your target audience to find out how best to engage your audience.

Joshua Shoemaker

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