Are you interesting in writing an e-book? If so, do you know

what you would like your e-book topic to be about? Better yet,

do you have an idea as to what you would like to write? If you

do, you are urged to write it down now. When push comes to

shove, there are many writers, even professional writers, who

fail to remember everything that they wanted to include in an

e-book, even in a standard article.

Writing down all of your e-book ideas is a great way to ensure

that you don’t forget any important points that you wanted to

mention. Although writing down your ideas is great, you may

want to take it a step further. You may want to create an

outline for yourself. An outline can act as a guide for you; a

guide that will not only help to ensure that you don’t forget

anything, but it may also help you write better articles.

Outlines, including e-book outlines, come in a number of

different formats. Despite different formats, there are some

items which are almost always included in an outline. These

items are a thesis statement or the main e-book topic, headings,

and subheadings. When doing an e-book, you may want to do an

outline for each chapter that you plan on writing. While it may

seem like a lot of work, your work should pay off in the end.

As it was mentioned above, you can create your own outline

format, but you may want to think about using the sample

outlined below.

CHAPTER 1 (Thesis/Point ) –

Paragraph #1 (Heading) This is where you would write the main

point you would like focused on.

Paragraph #1 (Subheadings) This is where you could go into

more detail on the points that you would like covered in your


The above mentioned example was just a sample of the format that

you could use. In all honestly, it really doesn’t matter how you

compose an outline, as long as you do. In fact, there are a

number of benefits to first developing an outline for your

e-book. As it was previously mentioned, an outline is likely to

reduce your chances of forgetting something that you wanted to

mention. In the end, this is likely to improve your final

product. In fact, an outline may be what helps to set your

e-book apart from the other thousands.

An e-book outline will not only help you create a better

product, but it may also help you do it in a shorter period of

time. Outlines, even e-book outlines, are known to make writing

easier and faster. When you have an outline, you already know

exactly what you want to write and even how you want to write

it. Essentially, this means that you can just focus on writing.

You shouldn’t have to stop and come up with new ideas or think

about what to write. In fact, an outline may help eliminate the

chances of you experiencing writers block. Writers block tends

to be associated with interruptions. If you have an outline,

you will rarely find yourself stopping to think.

For the best chance of success, you are urged to create an

outline that you feel comfortable working with. The above

mentioned outline sample is used by many, including many e-book

writers. However, it is important to remember that what works

for one individual might not work for another. If you find

yourself having a difficult time preparing or reading an

outline, you are urged to keep on experimenting. After time,

you will likely find an outline format that you enjoy working

with and one that may increase your productivity.

As you can see, it is fairly easy to create an outline for your

next e-book. In fact, there are a number of benefits to using

one. If you currently do not use outlines, you may want to give

them a try. If you don’t think that they helped you, in the

long run, you can return to your original way of writing; at

least you gave them a chance.

To your success,

Joshua Shoemaker

P.S. With e-book competition at an all time high, you need to

set your e-book apart from the rest. An e-book outline may be

able to help you do just that.

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