Don’t let a little competition scare you away from a business you love and a niche you can excel in. Instead, let the competition be your motivation to do even better for your audience than you do today. If you try to be a little better each day, always putting your customer first, it won’t be long before your competition is just a speck of dust behind you in your shadow.
* Be More Clear about Your Audience Â? Keep studying your audience so that you know them like the back of your hand. The clearer you are about your audience, the more you can focus your marketing efforts. Being more focused will make sales higher.
* Laser Focus Your Niche Â? Being super clear about your audience will also help you know which products and services to offer because you’ll know the problems that you need to help your audience solve.
* Provide Better Customer Care Â? Customer-centric care is an important component of being better and more successful than your competitors. Many customers will stick with a company which offers customer care that is exceptional, even if a mistake was made.
* Make It about Them, Always Â? It’s never about you, your business or even your products other than what you, your business and your products can do for your audience. Everything you say or do must be focused on them.
* Offer Better and More Payment Options Â? If your client can pay in more than one way, you can attract new members of your audience who may not have been able to order from your competitors due to the limited payment options. Perhaps they need a financing option if your product is costly.
* Establish Yourself as the Expert Â? The more you can appear as the expert in things your audience reads, listens to or watches, the better. Put yourself out there as an author, speaker, and interview guest.
* Be More Helpful and Free with Information Â? On social media, forums, and even in private email, be helpful and demonstrate your knowledge by giving away some of your information for free. The more helpful you are to people, the more you’ll differentiate yourself from your competition.
* Study Your Metrics Â? Try out different sales pages, eBook covers, and product titles and so forth so that you can create numbers to study. Throw out what doesn’t work, and double down on what is working.
The most important aspect of leaving your competition in the dust is creating a plan with written goals and deadlines. To be better than your competition you have to do more of what they do. You also have to identify the things they’re not doing that can make you even that much better, and then find a way to do it.