Periscope is the next new shiny object on the market, only this object is free and uses the contacts you already have to help you get a foothold in video social media. The app can be used for business or for fun, and either way, it makes it easy to get people to notice you, and makes it easier to grow your business.
Part of the allure of Periscope is its voyeuristic characteristics. You are literally seeing through someone else’s eyes when they broadcast the world around them. It’s unfiltered, real-time videography by real people.
Another aspect of its appeal is the fact that anyone can become an instant video presenter with no fancy equipment. If you have a smartphone, you can become an authority on anything you like by making videos about it.
Besides being able to broadcast and view live videos, Periscope keeps all videos for 24 hours so that people can watch replays. This means busy followers don’t have to drop everything just to watch an impromptu live streaming. It basically combines the best of YouTube with the real-time social interaction of Twitter, giving people a choice in how they view their videos.
Because you can record your videos to your mobile device, you don’t lose access to them once they’ve been deleted from the app. You can then upload them to your blog or other social media sites, getting you more exposure from one video easily.
Of course, being able to live stream comes with its responsibilities. While the positive impact of being able to stream breaking news as it happens can be alluring, the app can be abused if the users aren’t mature enough to self-regulate their videos. The apps terms of service forbids nudity and pornography as well as hateful or inciteful videos, but it’s up to the Periscope community of users to regulate this.
Despite these restrictions, the appeal of Periscope is wide-reaching, crossing borders and age limits in much the same way that YouTube does, except it does so with live video. Its biggest appeal lies in the fact that big events can be live-streamed for free by individual users, and breaking news can be captured as it happens and streamed live to the entire world.
Because it’s tied to Twitter, it instantly broadens your social media reach across the two platforms, and those that link their Twitter to other accounts can spread the reach even further. Plus, because you can allow anyone to watch your broadcasts, not just followers, you can build your audience easily and organically.
The biggest reason why Periscope is becoming so popular is the sense of intimacy and personal relationship that can be formed between viewers and broadcasters. Brands have already realized this, and are getting more personal with their customers via Periscope to deliver big announcements, showcase behind the scenes stuff and let their customers know about upcoming events.
Those who establish themselves early in the Periscope scene have a great chance of using the tool to really boost their social media profile and grow their online business tremendously. Time will tell if the app becomes as big as Twitter itself, but its prospects look pretty good.